Results and resources
Find publications and presentations from the SPARE project here. If you are involved in the project and your work is published, please let us know so we can update the list.
Peer-reviewed articles
Venter, Z. S., Czúcz, B., Stange, E., Nowell, M. S., Simensen, T., Immerzeel, B., & Barton, D. N. (2024). ‘Uncertainty audit’for ecosystem accounting: Satellite-based ecosystem extent is biased without design-based area estimation and accuracy assessment. Ecosystem Services, 66, 101599.
de Bell, S., Alejandre, J. C., Menzel, C., Sousa-Silva, R., Straka, T. M., Berzborn, S., Nawrath, M.,... & Bonn, A. (2024). Nature-based social prescribing programmes: opportunities, challenges, and facilitators for implementation. Environment International, 108801.
Lausen, E. D., Jensen, M. B., & Randall, M. T. (2022). Into the air: a freestanding vertical greenery system (VGS) for evapotranspiration (ET) of roof runoff. Blue-Green Systems, 4(2), 326-339.
Barton, D.N.; Venter, Z.S.; Sælthun, N.R.; Skumlien Furuseth, I.; Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2021). A stormwater fee for Oslo? A computational
approach to user financed climate readiness. VANN, 56 (4) (in Norwegian). -
Furuseth, S.I., Barkved, J.L., Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2021). Low impact development in urban residential areas – experiences from collaboration at Grefsen-Kjelsås, Oslo. VANN, 56 (4) (in Norwegian).
Popular science articles
Holbein, Y. & Potter, I. (2023). Oslo lanserte ny overvannsveileder og kart. VANN, 58 (4), p. 4-7.
Braskerud, B.C., Barkved, L. J., Furuseth, I.S., Holbein, Y., Holmqvist, M.L., Karlstrøm, S.K., Potter, I., & Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2022). IWA kongressen 2022: Eksempler på Water wise cities håndtering av overvann. VANN, 57 (4).
Reports and books
Braskerud, B.C.; Barkved, J.; Barton, D.; Furuseth, I.S.; Holbein, Y.; Holmqvist, M.L.; Iversen, H.; Jensen, M.B.; Karlstrøm, S.K.; Kristvik, E.; Lausen, E.D.; Nawrath, M.; Rosentrater, L.D.; Seifert-Dähnn, I. (2024). People first - Examples of improved quality of life, stormwatermanagement and biodiversity in urban spaces. A study tour report on blue-green infrastructure from Upton, Sheffield and London. NIVA-report 7991-2024. (in Norwegian, with extended summary in English)
Seifert-Dähnn, I.; Furuseth, I.S.; Riise, E.; & Barton, D.N. (2022). Norge trenger et overvannsgebyr – muligheter og utfordringer. In: Vann, juss og samfunn – rettigheter og regulering i utvikling. Oslo: Cappelen Damm (in Norwegian)
Bachelor and master theses
Ida Haraldstad. (2024). Amphibians in a blue-green infrastructure stream on the NMBU campus (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
Jafar Abadi, A. (2023). An Urban Estuary’s Transformation: Grønlikaia’s “Buffer Zone” Case Study (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
Aghedo, R. (2023). Variation in perception about blue-green infrastructures at NMBU campus, Ås (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
Hernandez Aguilar, D. (2023). Blue-Green Infrastructure: The experience of aesthetics. A qualitative study of perceptual and aesthetic landscape at NMBU, Ås (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
Olsen, G.H.T. (2023). Characterisation of physical and chemical parameters along a blue-green stream (Master's thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).
Venter, Z.; Barton, D. N.; Czucz, B.; Simensen, T.; Nowell, M.; Immerzeel, B. (2024). Kartlegging av nedbygging i Norge med satellitter, kunstig intelligens og statistikk. Norsk Filuftsliv, February 1, 2024.
Holbein, Y. & Potter, I. (2023). Sustainable stormwater management in Oslo. "C40 UFN Webinar", November 8, 2023.
Holbein, Y. (2023). NBS as leading approach to climate adaptation and stormwater. "Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation", April 17-18, 2023.
Barton, D. N. 2022. Green community preparedness - the importance of Oslotrær. Presentation at the Agency for Planning and Building Services' launch of results from a city tree mapping in the City of Oslo: "Hva vet vi om trærne i Oslo?", May 6th, 2022. (in Norwegian)
Braskerud, B.C., & Holbein, Y. (2022). Water Wise use in Oslo, Norway. Copenhagen: "IWA World Water Congress Exhibition", September 11-15, 2022.
Braskerud, B.C., & Holbein, Y. (2022). Noen inntrykk mht. overvannshåndtering fra IWA-kongressen. Oslo: "OVA-lunsj", October, 13, 2022. (in Norwegian)
Braskerud, B.C. (2022). Water Wise use in Oslo, a holistic approach for a future climate. Warsaw: "Seminar on climate changes in cities", November 15, 2022.​
Find relevant resources here on the topic blue-green infrastructure for stormwater, biodiversity and recreation.​
Related projects
S-ITUATION: Synthesis of Nordic implementation of nature-based solutions (funded by Nordic Council of Ministers)
SABICAS: SAfeguard BIodiversity and improve Climate Adaptation in catchment areas under pressure: tools and Solutions (funded by Research Council of Norway)
Invest4Nature: Investing in the potential of nature-based solutions: a win-win for market and environment (funded by EU)
Sandin, L., Seifert-Dähnn, I., Furuseth, I. S., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Zak, D., Olsson, J. A., ... & Þrastardóttir, R. (2023). Working With Nature-Based Solutions: Synthesis and mapping of status in the Nordics. Nordic Council of Ministers.
Magnussen, K., Wifstad, K., Seeberg, A., Stålhammar, K., Bakken, S., Banach, A., . . . & Sandsbråten, K. (2017). Naturbaserte løsninger for klimatilpasning. Norway: Miljødirektoratet.
Guidance documents
City of Oslo. (2023). Requirements and Guidance for Stormwater Management in the City of Oslo (In Norwegian).
County authority of Rogaland. (2021). Naturbaserte løsninger for klimatilpasning: En prosessveileder for arbeid med naturbaserte løsninger for klimatilpasning i Rogaland.
Norwegian Environment Agency. (2021). Hvordan håndtere overvann: Oversikt over regelverk og rammebetingelser for kommunens håndtering av overvann.
Norwegian Environment Agency. (2019). Hvordan ta hensyn til klimaendringer i plan?
City of Oslo: Fact sheets on blue green infrastructure and stormwater management
Environmental Protection Agency in the US: Soak up the rain resource index, which provides guidance documents and tools for congregations, schools, parks, municipalities and communities.
Webinars, podcasts, videos etc.
Naturbasert sone (NIVA): Digital monthly lunch series about nature-based and blue-green solutions for climate and environment (in Norwegian). Register for the next webinar or look at video recordings and presentations from previous webinars in the series.
Sound of green (State of Green): Podcast with stories from Denmark's green transition. The first podcast 'The day Copenhagen flooded' is about the most destructive cloudburst in the city's history (in 2011) as a catalyst for a new way of thinking about urban water management. The story is told by experts from Rambøll, HOFOR and the City of Copenhagen.
​Here we will publish relevant tools.